The city of fishermen and seafarers, Sanlúcar de Barrameda with its historical old town is a charming destination for bathing, strolling and enjoying good food at the Costa de la Luz (Province of Cádiz / Andalusia).
Sanlúcar de Barrameda is situated on the eastern banks of the River Guadalquivir, directly in front of its estuary in the Atlantic. The history of the city goes way back to ancient times. The region was already inhabited as early as the legendary kingdom of Tartessos. The Almohad movement were to follow. After the Christians conquered the city, it belonged to the Kingdom of Seville. In 1297 the reign was passed on to Guzmán el Bueno, the ancestor of the later Dukes of Medina Sidonia.
The small town will spoil you with a wealth of historical buildings, magnificent churches and a wide range of culinary delights. The national park "Parque Nacional Doñana" located on the opposite side of the river, is one of Spain's most significant nature reserves.